Centre for Games and Play (ARCHIVED VERSION)

Research Projects

Research grant for project on Persuasive Gaming

We are happy to announce that we received the official notification that our 1 Million € research project entitled Persuasive Gaming. From Theory-based Design to Validation and Back will be supported by NWO Topsector Creative Industries. Jeroen Jansz (Erasmus University), Ben Schouten (Eindhoven University of Technology), Joke Witteveen (xmediaworks) and Joost Raessens (Utrecht University) will start hiring two PhD candidates and one Postdoc soon (click here for further details). The project is a collaboration with game companies IJsfontein, xmediaworks and Submarine.

A full overview of all 21 research projects receiving funding through the Creative Industries program, click here (in dutch). The Creative Industries knowledge and innovation network CLICK/NL GAMES website can be found here.

Here’s the project summary from the research proposal:
The research in this project is concerned with the characteristics, design principles, and effectiveness of persuasive gaming. We study gaming practices that combine the dissemination of information with attempts to engage players in particular behaviors and attitudes. A unique feature of the project is the collaboration with partners in the Dutch game industry enabling us to immediately relate and apply our knowledge drawn from Game Studies, Media Studies, validation research and research on Game Design to practical demands of the industry. Theoretically, we develop the innovative approach of a constant and intense interaction between what is drawn from theory with the actual design of game experiences. The subsequent merger between design and validation research provides a crucial testing ground to assess and validate the value of the knowledge we aim to produce. The process of persuasion is approached from a humanities perspective focusing on the interplay of different persuasive dimensions, including storytelling and playful interaction. The cases extend beyond traditional videogames incorporating also transmedia storytelling platforms and ambient games creating play experiences closely integrated in the context of e.g. city life, therapy or education. The ultimate goal is the construction of a dynamic model for persuasive game development and implementation that is accessible for the industry as well as the research community. We are confident that this close collaboration between the industry and the academic world will contribute to improving the international competitive position of the Dutch game industry.