2019 Summer School: Applied Games – A Multidisciplinary Research Perspective

Utrecht University (Drift 25, 3512 BR Utrecht, The Netherlands),
19-23rd August, 2019 (Start: Monday 19th August, 9am | End: Friday 23rd August, 5pm).
This summer course provides an overview of contemporary research perspectives on Applied Games, i.e. the use of games and play for purposes other than primarily entertainment. It addresses the challenges but also the transformative potential of Applied Games, particularly in the areas of education, health and social change, and provides participants with a holistic perspective, including aspects of analysis, critical design and validation, that is necessary to employ Applied Games meaningfully and productively within the contemporary socio-cultural context.
The program comprises workshops by senior researchers from the Center for Game Research (Utrecht University/UU), the Departments for “Media and Culture Studies” and “Information and Computing Sciences” (UU), the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development (UU), the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics and the Professorship for Interactive Digital Narrative (University of the Arts Utrecht/HKU).
Each day is dedicated to a different angle, starting with applied game analysis, moving on to games for learning, games in environmental communication and policy-making (Eco games), narrative aspects of Applied Games, and finally games and play experiences that involve the whole body. Apart from the interactive workshops, joint social activities with the UDS summer school ‘Exploring Culture Through Data’ and a tour of the Mo-Cap Lab at Utrecht University round off the program.
For the full syllabus and/or to apply online visit the official Utrecht Summer School website here.